UK Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme terms and conditions

You agree to the Terms and conditions as follows:

The pledger (“You”) consent to allow AllPoints Fibre Networks Limited and its group of companies (including its subsidiaries and those companies with whom we share a common parent) (“Us”) to use your voucher under the UK Gigabit Voucher Scheme which is part of Project Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme delivered by the DSIT (“GBVS Voucher”).

AllPoints Fibre Networks Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales with company registration number 03401975 and whose registered office is at Block D, 5th Floor Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom. AllPoints Fibre is a brand name of AllPoints Fibre Networks Limited. All references to AllPoints Fibre should be read accordingly. DSIT is the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.

You recognise that once validated by DSIT, your GBVS Voucher along with vouchers from other pledgers in your community will be used to contribute your share of the total cost of us bringing a gigabit capable fibre broadband solution to the community which you are a part of (the “Project”).

You agree that you will on request confirm to DSIT your consent for us to use the GBVS Voucher for the purposes of the Project.

You will comply with the current and applicable DSIT “Beneficiary Terms and Conditions – Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme” (available online) as a recipient of the GBVS Voucher, and on completion of network build will take up an eligible service from a participating supplier on the full fibre network within a reasonable period (but no later than two months) of the network being made available to participating suppliers and confirm the same to DSIT on request, providing confirmation that it has been installed and is performing as expected. You also agree that you will, upon request, confirm to DSIT details of your chosen Internet Service Provider and the length of your ISPs service contract.

You further recognise that if:

  1. You violate the terms of the scheme, resulting in the GBVS Voucher no longer being eligible;
  2. You allocate your GBVS Voucher to someone else other than us; and/or
  3. You do not take up service within 2 months of the availability of a fibre service to participating supplier,
    we reserve the right to seek payment from you of an equivalent value to the GBVS Voucher.

Subject to matters beyond our reasonable control, we will target completion of the build no later than 12 months from the issue of a UK Gigabit Voucher (“Build Completion Target Date”), subject to capacity.  If delivery is not achieved within the Build Completion Target Date and is not due to a matter beyond our reasonable control, rendering the GBVS Voucher potentially ineligible, we will not seek to recover any costs from you. Save to the extent that such liability cannot be limited under law, our liability to you in respect of these Terms & Conditions shall extend solely to covering the cost of the GBVS Voucher.

Any service issues in terms of ordering or provision of service over the fibre network once the fibre network is available, should be dealt with via your chosen participating supplier.

You confirm in agreeing to these voucher agreement conditions that you are happy to be contacted by the DSIT to enable them to verify your acceptance of the beneficiary terms and conditions and to confirm eligibility details. Emails will be sent from

If you have any issues concerning our voucher agreement scheme you can contact us and we will look to respond to your concerns as soon as reasonably practicable to do so.

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by English law and subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.